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Athanassios Katsis, Ph.D.

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Athanassios Katsis, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Statistics in Educational Research


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Ph.D., Statistics, The George Washington University, USA, 1997

Master of Philosophy, Statistics, The George Washington University, USA, 1995

B. Sc., Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece, 1990


Department of Social and Educational Policy, University of Peloponnese,

Korinthos, Greece, 2004—present

Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of the Aegean,

Samos, Greece, 2002-2004

Center for Educational Research, Athens, Greece, 2000-2002

The World Bank, Washington, 1996-1998

Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Cyprus & Toledo, Ohio

Research interests

Bayesian Statistics, sample size determination, statistical modeling in educational data

Journal articles

1. Moniarou-Papaconstantinou V., Tsatsaroni, A., Katsis, A., Koulaidis, V., (2010).

LIS as a field of study: socio-cultural influences on students’ decision making, Aslib

Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, Vol. 62, 3, 321-344

2. Katsis, A., Nistazakis, H. E. and Tombras, G. S. (2009). Bayesian and frequentist

estimation of the performance of free space optical channels under weak

turbulence conditions. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 346, 4, 315-327.

3. Apostolopoulos, C., Psalidas, A., Hatzinikita, V., and Katsis, A. (2008). Studying

Greek Students’ Performance on PISA Science Items. The International Journal of

Learning, 15, 8, 1-10.

4. Katsis, A., Martzoukos, S., and Yannacopoulos, A. (2008). Bayesian Statistical

Expert Opinion in Option Pricing. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 7,


5. Stamey, J., and Katsis, A. (2007). A sample size determination for comparing two

Poisson rates with underreported counts. Communications in Statistics, Statistics and

Simulation, 36, 483-492.

6. Katsis, A., and Nistazakis H. E. (2007). A flexible Bayesian algorithm for sample

size determination in the case of misclassification. Applied Mathematics and

Computation, 184, 86-92.

7. Limakopoulou, A., and Katsis A. (2006). Bayesian sample size calculations

involving the reliability coefficient of a scale in social sciences. Journal of Statistical

Theory and Applications, 4, 381-390.

8. Koulaidis, V., Dimopoulos, K., Tsatsaroni, A., and Katsis, A. (2006). Young

People’s relations to Education: The Case of Greek Youth. Educational Studies,

32, 343-359.

9. Katsis, A., and Ntzoufras, I. (2005). Bayesian Hypothesis Testing for the

Distribution of Insurance Claim Counts Using the Gibbs Sampler. Journal of

Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, 5, 201-214.

10. Katsis, A., and Nistazakis, H. E. (2005). An interval-based criterion for sample

size determination in the case of misclassification. Journal of Statistical Theory

and Applications, 4, 325-340.

11. Katsis, A. (2005). Sample size determination of binomial data with the presence

of misclassification. Metrika, 62, 323-329.

12. Ntzoufras, I, Katsis, A., Karlis, A. (2005). Bayesian Assessment of the

Distribution of Insurance Claim Counts Using the Reversible Jump Algorithm.

North American Actuarial Journal, 9, 90-105.

13. Katsis, A. (2004). Sample size for testing the homogeneity of two a priori

dependent binomial populations using the Bayesian approach. Journal of Applied

Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 8, 33-42.

14. Katsis, A., and Toman, B. (2004). A Bayesian Double Sampling Scheme for

Classifying Binomial Data. The Mathematical Scientist, 29, 49-53.

15. Katsis, A. (2003). New Bayesian Criteria for Optimizing the Combined Sample

Size for Dependent Binomial Populations. Journal of Statistical Theory and

Applications, 2, 267-277.

16. Katsis, A. and Toman, B. (2002). A Bayesian Design for the Optimal Allocation

of Binomial Samples. Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 11, 297-306. (έχει

αναδημοσιευθεί στο Focus on Applied Statistics (2003), editor: Ahsanullah, M.,

185-194, Nova Science Publishers, New York).

17. Katsis, A. (2001). Calculating the Optimal Sample Size for Binomial Populations.

Communications in Statistics, Part A, Theory & Methods, 30, 665-678.

18. Katsis, A., and Toman, B. (1999). Bayesian Sample Size calculations for binomial

experiments. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 81, 349-362.

19. Katsis, A., Psacharopoulos, G., and Mattson, R. (1999). Explaining the

Educational Development in Pakistan: An Analysis of the 1991 Household

Survey. Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, XII, 17-36.

20. Drosos, G., Stavropoulos, N., Katsis, A., Kesidis, K., Kazakos, K., and Verettas,

D (2008). Post-Operative Pain After Knee Arthroscopy and Related Factors. The

Open Orthopaedics Journal, 2, 110-114.

21. Halkiadakis, I., Kipioti, A., Emfietzoglou, I., Grigoropoulos, V., Katsis, A.,

Alimisi, S., Vergados, I., Theodossiadis, P., and Theodossiadis, G. (2008).

Comparison of Optical Coherence Tomography and Scanning Laser Polarimetry

in Glaucoma, Ocular Hypertension, and Suspected Glaucoma. Ophthalmic

Surgery, Lasers & Imaging, 39, 2, 125-132.

Contact us

  • Add: u.a.p. 52, Dimitrios Vikelas Avenue

    152 33 Halandri - Athens, Greece

  • Tel: +30 210 6878952
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